Executive Corporate Health Assessment Quiz

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1 / 16

Section 1: Employee Engagement and Retention

What is the current employee turnover rate in your organization?

2 / 16

Section 1: Employee Engagement and Retention

How often do employees voluntarily leave the company within the first year of employment?

3 / 16

Section 1: Employee Engagement and Retention

Do you regularly conduct employee satisfaction surveys?

4 / 16

Section 1: Employee Engagement and Retention

How would you rate the level of employee engagement in your organization?

5 / 16

Section 2: Workplace Culture and Environment

How would you describe the organizational culture?

6 / 16

Section 2: Workplace Culture and Environment

How transparent is communication from leadership to employees regarding company goals and performance?

7 / 16

Section 2: Workplace Culture and Environment

How would you rate the effectiveness of your company’s diversity and inclusion initiatives?

8 / 16

Section 2: Workplace Culture and Environment

Do you have programs in place to recognize and reward employee achievements?

9 / 16

Section 3: Employee Health and Wellness

Do you provide resources for employee physical health (e.g., fitness programs, health screenings)?

10 / 16

Section 3: Employee Health and Wellness

Do you offer mental health support (e.g., counseling services, stress management programs)?

11 / 16

Section 3: Employee Health and Wellness

What is the average level of employee burnout in your organization?

12 / 16

Section 3: Employee Health and Wellness

How frequently do employees take advantage of wellness programs and initiatives?

13 / 16

Section 4: Leadership and Management Practices

How would you rate the overall effectiveness of your leadership team?

14 / 16

Section 4: Leadership and Management Practices

Do managers and leaders regularly provide constructive feedback to employees?

15 / 16

Section 4: Leadership and Management Practices

How well do leaders in your organization handle conflict resolution?

16 / 16

Section 4: Leadership and Management Practices

Do you have a clear succession plan for key leadership positions?

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